iPlay MIAMI Streets
iPlay MIAMI Streets transformed dead-end streets in Miami communities into playspaces for kids.
Miami, FL
iPlay MIAMI Streets transformed dead-end streets in Miami communities into playspaces for kids.
York, PA
Sidewalk murals and playful bus shelters encouraging kids (and grown-ups) to hop, balance, and move.
Richmond, CA
The City of Richmond (COR), Richmond Art Center (RAC), The Trust for Public Land (TPL), & area residents will partner together to paint interactive games…
Oakland, CA
People of Oakland answered the call to come up with playful designs
Orleans County, NY
A colorful, shapeable, snake-like structure called Nooks will be located outside the school building, accessible to all community members.
Richmond, VA
Repurposed cigarette stands offer play opportunities near barber shops and salons for low-income neighborhoods in Richmond, Virginia.
Chicago, IL
Encouraging kids in South Chicago to make play, every day.
Houston, TX
OX4D takes informal play to the next level at a public housing community in Houston, Texas.
Washington, D.C.
Together with Smithsonian's National Zoo, the DC Promise Neighborhood Initiative (DCPNI) transformed an isolated, low-income neighborhood into an animal-lovers paradise. Animal Tracks gives kids and adults alike the opportunity to learn about animals—what they look, feel and sound like—as they make their way to and from the Kenilworth Courts Community Center.