When children play, they're not just having fun. Play is in fact critical to their physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development. Why is play so important? Simply swinging high in the air, blowing bubbles, drawing pictures, singing silly songs— these activities let children use and develop all of their senses. They learn important skills, develop balance and coordination, strengthen their muscles, and are healthier and happier!

Read more about how to plan a playspace that encourages the healthy development of every child.

Helpful links

Ginsburg, K.R. (2007). Clinical report: The importance of play in promoting healthy child development and maintaining strong parent-child bonds. American Academy of Pediatrics.

MacPherson, K. (2002). Development experts say children suffer due to lack of unstructured fun. Part 1 of series. Post-Gazette.

MacPherson, K. (2002). Creative play makes better problem-solvers. Part 2 of series. Post-Gazette.

MacPherson, K. (2002). Experts call unstructured play essential to children’s growth. Part 3 of series. Post-Gazette.

Montgomery Childcare Association. (February 2004). MCCA Focus: Shifting the argument for play.