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    Even in Crisis, We Must Keep Listening to Youth

    COVID-19 has layered new challenges on to youth already forced to navigate decades of structural disinvestment. My seventeen year old, Imani, got her driver’s license…

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    KABOOM! and HGTV's Extreme Makeover: Home Edition

    Our playground project was revealed as a surprise on HGTV’s Extreme Makeover: Home Edition! HGTV’s Extreme Makeover: Home Edition premiered its newest season with an…

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    Spaces to play. Sparks for change.

    Why KABOOM! evolved in order to more boldly and clearly reflect our commitment to playspace equity. What is playspace equity? When we achieve playspace equity,…

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    Pullman Peace playground

    Chicago’s Pullman community united to stop the violence and build a symbol for a brighter future KABOOM!, Chicago CRED (Creating Real Economic Destiny) and the…

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    Rebuilding Texas Together

    KABOOM! and the Rebuild Texas Fund are working side-by-side to bring play to kids impacted by Hurricane Harvey and provide them a safe, fun environment…
