Play Everywhere Design Guides

Discover the everyday spaces that can offer opportunities for play

  • Streets and Sidewalks

    Reclaiming streets, sidewalks, and mid-block connections as places for play brings kids front and center in our communities.

  • Parks, Trails, and Public Spaces

    Bringing new opportunities to parks and other public spaces means reclaiming underutilized and blighted spaces for playful use.

  • Transit

    Bus shelters, bus stops, subway platform walls, and the waiting areas of transit centers can be transformed into dynamic and rewarding play spaces for families.

  • Multi-Family Housing

    Residential communities, including multi-family complexes that many kids call home, offer untapped spaces that create opportunities for convenient play.

  • Commercial Spaces

    The many places where commercial activities occur and kids are forced to wait include underutilized spaces that can be repurposed for play.

  • Civic Spaces

    Providing visible play areas is an easy and available opportunity for kids and families to feel some ownership and sense of belonging in civic institutions.

  • Moveable and Pop-Up Play

    Moveable and pop-up play installations offer the flexibility to respond to unique opportunities and give all kids access to meaningful and active play.